What’s Up With Those Feet? Pilates Training with Fit Pro Fiona
Join Fit Pro Fiona Hermanutz for a continuing education credit course focused on the Foot and Ankle, called What’s up with those Feet?
This 5 hour course will expand on how us Humans are the only large creatures that can stand on two feet continuously. We owe that stability to 26 bones, 33 joints and 19 muscles and tendons in each foot and ankle. This session will focus on an anatomy review, common injures, and release, openers, and strength pattern to awaken the foot CEC for Fitness Alberta TBA, Can Fit to apply their own. Includes waker for the foot for each to take home.
- $189.00 a person
- March 24
- 12:00pm – 5:00pm
- at SVAC
Please contact SVAC for more information or register 780-460-9999.
Mon: 5am –11pm
Tue: 5am – 11pm
Wed: 5am – 11pm
Thur: 5am – 11pm
Fri: 5am – 9pm
Sat – Sun: 7am – 5pm
205A Carnegie Drive,
St. Albert, AB Canada
T8N 5A9
(780) 460-9999